There was once a time when I took for granted, even dreaded, the dull routine of school.
That was before I met this boy.
I met this boy while participating in a mission campaign in Swaziland. He was very reserved, very quiet. He seemed as though he was a loner, trusting no one but himself. I didn't ask much, until I noticed that he kept his schoolbooks in a plastic sack-- much like the ones we hold groceries in. It was tattered and completely full of his notebooks. Education is all the children of Swaziland have. Even so, it does not mean they will be successful in their adult life. To get to know him, I asked him to let me into his world-- to let me read his school work. On the front cover of his notebook was a ripped out promo from a Staples catalog. Underneath the picture, he wrote "America". This broke my heart. We, as Americans, take so much for granted. While that young boy has nothing, he has his dreams and ambitions. Operation Backpack can make those ambitions a reality. Better education to orphans gives them hope for a better life.
- Alexis Vann
One backpack, one bible, one child at a time.
Attending school in Swaziland is not a given, but a privilege. These children dream of an education; however, school fees are nearly impossible for people to come up with - especially given the fact that there are roughly 120,000 orphans. Through organizations like Adventures in Missions and Children’s Hopechest, what was once a dream can now be a reality.
Through generous sponsorship of children, school fees are now being paid. This allows each sponsored child the opportunity to receive some type of education. While we are excited about these newly created opportunities, there is still a huge gap that we need to fill. Since the inception of this project, there has been a massive influx of children being able to go to school, but the grim reality is that without our help, a majority of these children will never be given this opportunity.
Your $25 donation will allow us to purchase a backpack, basic school supplies and most importantly a Bible for one child.
While in Swaziland I experienced first hand the thirst these children have for the Word. When a Bible was brought out, children ran to hear the Good News. These children have a pure and unadulterated appreciation for the Bible. Each child knows the Bible holds the key to everlasting life. However, I did not witness a single child that owned their very own Bible.
By providing these children with their own Bible, they have the opportunity to be disciples and spread the Message.
Through generous sponsorship of children, school fees are now being paid. This allows each sponsored child the opportunity to receive some type of education. While we are excited about these newly created opportunities, there is still a huge gap that we need to fill. Since the inception of this project, there has been a massive influx of children being able to go to school, but the grim reality is that without our help, a majority of these children will never be given this opportunity.
Your $25 donation will allow us to purchase a backpack, basic school supplies and most importantly a Bible for one child.
While in Swaziland I experienced first hand the thirst these children have for the Word. When a Bible was brought out, children ran to hear the Good News. These children have a pure and unadulterated appreciation for the Bible. Each child knows the Bible holds the key to everlasting life. However, I did not witness a single child that owned their very own Bible.
By providing these children with their own Bible, they have the opportunity to be disciples and spread the Message.
And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.(Mark 10:13-16 ESV)
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